What is SMED?

Aarti Nikam
Single Minute Exchange of Die ( Quick Change of Setup)

Covers the technique for obtaining a changeover time less than 10 min
SMED was introduced by Dr.Shigeo Shingo to improve Manufacturing process

SMED, which stands for Single-Minute Exchange of Die, is a methodology used in Lean manufacturing to reduce the setup time required for equipment or machinery changeovers. The goal of SMED is to minimize the downtime between different production runs, allowing for more frequent and efficient changeovers.

The SMED methodology was developed by Shigeo Shingo, a Japanese industrial engineer, as part of the Toyota Production System (TPS). It is based on the principle that reducing setup time increases equipment availability, improves flexibility, and enables smaller batch sizes, which are essential for achieving Just-in-Time (JIT) production.

The SMED methodology involves the following key steps:

Differentiate Internal and External Setup Elements: The first step in SMED is to identify and separate the setup activities into internal and external elements. Internal setup activities are those that require the equipment to be stopped, while external setup activities can be performed while the equipment is still running.

Convert Internal to External Setup: The next step is to examine each internal setup activity and determine if it can be converted to an external setup activity. This involves finding ways to perform tasks such as gathering tools, preparing materials, and making adjustments outside of the equipment's operating time.

Streamline Internal Setup: For the remaining internal setup activities that cannot be converted, the focus is on reducing the time required to complete them. This can be achieved through various techniques such as simplifying processes, standardizing procedures, and improving ergonomics to minimize the time and effort needed for each step.

Parallelize Setup Activities: Another aspect of SMED is to identify setup activities that can be performed in parallel rather than sequentially. By identifying tasks that do not depend on each other, setup time can be significantly reduced.

Standardize and Document Setup Procedures: Standardizing setup procedures and creating detailed documentation ensures that the setup process is consistently executed and eliminates variability. This helps to reduce errors and further streamline the changeover process.

Benefits of SMED:

Reduced Changeover Time: The primary benefit of SMED is a significant reduction in changeover or setup time. This enables manufacturers to switch between different products or production runs quickly, resulting in shorter lead times, increased production capacity, and improved responsiveness to customer demands.

Increased Equipment Availability: By minimizing the time required for changeovers, SMED improves equipment availability and reduces downtime. This allows for more efficient utilization of resources and higher overall equipment effectiveness (OEE).

Enhanced Flexibility: SMED enables manufacturers to handle smaller batch sizes and frequent changeovers. This flexibility is crucial in meeting varying customer demands, reducing inventory levels, and adapting to market changes more effectively.

Waste Reduction: SMED contributes to the reduction of waste in production processes. It eliminates unnecessary downtime, waiting time, and excessive inventory associated with longer changeover times.

Continuous Improvement Culture: Implementing SMED fosters a culture of continuous improvement within the organization. It encourages employees to identify and eliminate non-value-added activities, seek innovative solutions, and actively participate in the improvement process.

SMED is a powerful methodology that supports Lean manufacturing principles by optimizing changeover processes and reducing waste. By implementing SMED techniques, organizations can improve their operational efficiency, increase productivity, and enhance their ability to meet customer needs in a dynamic market environment.

What is a Setup?

Whenever a machine (or piece of equipment) is used to perform work on more than one operation or part, it is usually a requirement that machine, tooling or
fixture needs to be adjusted or changed to accommodate the various configurations between the different parts. The work involved in making these
changes to the machine is known as the setup of the machine.

Why Setup Reduction

• Reduce Lead Time
The Goal of Setup Reduction is to drastically reduce the time it takes from when a customer places an order to when it is delivered to the customer’s receiving dock.

• Full Utilization of the Assets
Setup reduction makes it feasible for the factory to fully utilize its assets by producing a wide variety of parts using the same manufacturing equipment.

• Reduce Inventory
Setup reduction reduces inventory because it supports building products only after a customer’s order is received. It eliminates the need to build products to a market demand forecast.

SMED techniques

• Separate Internal & External operations
• Convert Internal to External set up
• Standardize function
• Use functional clamps &eliminate fasteners
• Use intermediate jigs parallel operations
• Eliminate adjustments
• Mechanization

10 steps of SMED

• Form a Team
• Define the objective in each BU
• Before study- collect data
• Shooting the existing activity
• Analysis of all activities-External &internal
• Kaizen on each activity- Int. to Ext.
• Train the operator- eliminate Resistance
• Streamline sequence of activities
• Measure new time – modify process sheet
• Audit every quarter – freeze the document - PDCA

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