Why Energy Conservation?

Aarti Nikam
Dear Friends in Today’s Scenario for saving our planet earth is the responsibility of every individual who live on earth. For that we use & save our natural resources like water, energy, Coal & natural gases.

Energy is one of the major inputs for the economic developments of any country. In the case of the developing countries, the energy sector assumes a critical importance in view of the ever increasing energy needs required huge investments to meet them.

In today a power scenario (facing a major power crunch) day by day, the gap between demand and supply of electric energy is widening. At present the difference is about 8.8%, going up to about 12% in the peak period.

Bridging this gap from the supply side is a very difficult and expensive proposition.

The only viable way to handle this crisis, apart from capacity addition, is the efficient use of available energy, which is possible only continuously monitoring and controlling the use of energy.

The Global need to save energy:

Globally we need to save energy in order to:

1) Reduce the damage that we’re doing to out our planet, Earth

2) Reduce our dependence on the fossil fuels that are becoming increasingly limited in supply.

World oil & gas reserved are estimated at just 45 years and 65 years respectively.

Coal is likely to last a little over 200 years.

Energy Conservation and its Importance

Coal & other fossil fuels, which have taken 3 million years to form, are deplete soon. In the last two hundred years, we have consumed 60% of all resources. For sustainable development we need to adopt energy efficiency measures. Today 85 % of primary energy comes from non –renewable and fossil sources.
These reserves are continually diminishing with increasing consumption and will not exist for future generation.

Industry remains the biggest consumer of commercial energy and its share in the overall consumption is 49%.

Principle of energy management

The principle of energy management involve the following:

1) Produce all the energy needed at the lowest possible price (Example: buy from original sources, review the purchase terms.)

2) Manage energy use at the highest energy efficiency (Example: improving energy use efficiency at every stage of energy transport, distribution and use.)

3) Reusing & recycling energy by cascading. (Example: waste heat recovery)

4) Use the most appropriate technology (Select low investment technology to meet the present requirement and environmental condition)

5) Reduce the avoidable losses (Make use of waste generated within the plant as sources of energy and reducing the component of purchase fuels and bills.)

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