Step 3: Creation and maintenance of (Provisional) Standards for Cleaning and Lubrication
Maintain cleaning, lubrication and tightening
Eliminate forced deterioration and leave the equipment in the natural deterioration condition.
Keep the equipment well maintained
Let them determine and observe carefully
Let them be aware of their roles
Let them learn the techniques for making various standards
Let them understand the importance of lubrication
Group members should set their own standards
People doing the cleaning and lubrication need to understand the vital importance of the tasks:-
The equipment must be improved to facilitate cleaning and lubrication
The time required for cleaning and lubrication must be an official part of daily schedule.
Useful Links to Read:
01. history-of-total-productive-maintenance.html
02. why-implement-total-productive.html
03. what-is-tpm.html
04. 12-steps-for-tpm-implementation.html
05. typical-tpm-organizational-chart.html
06. effectiveness-of-tpm.html
07. 5-principles-in-tpm-development.html
08. purpose-and-main-activities-of-kk.html
09. purpose-and-activities-of-jh-pillar.html
10. purpose-activity-of-pm-pillar.html
11. purpose-activities-of-qm-pillar.html
12. purpose-and-activity-of-dm-pillar.html
13. purpose-and-activity-of-otpm-pillar.html
14. purpose-and-activity-of-e-pillar.html
15. purpose-and-activity-of-she-pillar.html
16. company-wide-tpm.html
17. jishu-hozen-information.html
18. ishu-hozen-equipment-deterioration.html
19. role-of-production-maintenance-in-jh.html
20. jishu-hozen-step-1.html
21. 1s-2s-implementation.html
22. jh-step-01-abnormalities.html
23. exposing-seven-types-of-abnormality.html
24. 2-unfulfilled-basic-condition.html
25. 3inaccessible-places.html.
26. 4-contamination-sources.html.
27. 5-quality-defect-sources.html.
28. 6-unnecessary-non-urgent-items.html.
29. 7-unsafe-places.html.
30. jishu-hozen-step2.html.